Feb 17, 2025

Legacy Labyrinth

Completed in 2013, the labyrinth was a joint project between the community and the City. It is located on the concrete pad at the north end of the waterfront walkway, in the area referred to as the old hovercraft landing pad or Arbutus Point.

A labyrinth is an ancient circular winding pathway found in cultures worldwide. It is a tool that promotes peace, health and wellness. Different than a maze, the labyrinth has only one path to the centre and the same path out. Walking a labyrinth offers an opportunity for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth, healing and connection. Often used as a moving meditation, it provides a time for quieting the mind or for contemplation, a chance to manage stressors of daily life. It is also used as a joyful space in celebration and community building.

There are many ways to walk the labyrinth; ways as unique as everyone who enters.

  • Have no expectations, there is no wrong way to walk or wheel
  • Allow your individual experience
  • At the entrance, take several deep breaths
  • Find your own pace
  • You may meet or pass others along the way, always respect each other on the path
  • Simply notice your thoughts
  • When you arrive, spend some time in the centre
  • Return along the same path when you feel ready
  • Reflect, journal, create or share your experiences in trust
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