How to Engage

The City of Parksville communicates with residents and businesses and your input is important to us. The many ways you can communicate, engage and stay connected with the City are listed here. Contact communications@parksville.ca should you have questions or suggestions.
In the form of published advertisements, the City regularly provides public notices and information important to residents. Regulatory notices are published in the PQB News and on our website.
City Hall
You are welcome to phone (250 248-6144) or visit City Hall with a question or concern. We are open Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm.
City Reports and Publications
The City's website provides access to such documents as annual reports, financial plans, the City’s Official Community Plan, community profile, and welcome guide.
Council Meetings
Meeting schedules, agendas, reports and minutes are available on the City’s website. We encourage residents to attend Council meetings.
Council Meeting Highlights
Highlights are a summary of Council meetings, posted to the website within two days.
You may appear as a delegation at a Council meeting. Please contact Amanda Weeks, Corporate Officer for more information.
Events Calendar
Events in our community are listed on the website as supplied by Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association. City of Parksville meetings are posted to the meeting calendar, accessible from the home page of the website.
Feedback Form
Comments, feedback or suggestions on City-related topics may be submitted through the Feedback Form.
Information Updates
"It's Your City" eNews is published monthly in the PQB News with a copy available here. We also offer a e-newsletter by subscription with signup at this link.
Let’s Talk Parksville
Let’s Talk Parksville is the City’s public engagement platform. It provides residents the opportunity to follow and contribute ideas and opinions on important community matters. Join the conversation here.
Meetings with the Mayor
Residents are welcome to contact the Mayor, either by phone or to meet in person to discuss concerns, issues or suggestions. To book an appointment, phone 250 954-3060.
News Releases
The City regularly issues news releases about City projects and initiatives. Questions should be directed to communications@parksville.ca. All media inquiries should also be directed to this email.
Public Hearings and Open Houses
Public hearings and open houses provide an opportunity to be part of planning for City initiatives. Notice of these events are advertised in the PQB News, City website and social media channels.
Public Notice and Construction Advisories
We provide up-to-date information on construction activities around the City, posted to the website under City Service Notices.
Requests for Service - Online
Residents are encouraged to use our request for service online form accessible from the homepage of our website. This tool should be used to report non-emergency operational issues. Your request for service will be acknowledged and followed up once complete.
Social Media
We encourage residents to follow the City on Facebook, Instagram, and X.
Webstreaming of Council Meetings
Council meetings held in the Forum are webstreamed and may be viewed live
or archived. The video is linked to the meeting agenda which provides residents with the opportunity to refer to a specific discussion.
What's New
The most recent information added to the City's website is included here.

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