Winter Conditions

With winter now upon us, the City’s operations department is ready
to provide snow and ice control. Policy guidelines provide for reasonably safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic while winter conditions prevail, operating within budget allocations and equipment and personnel availability.
The City monitors road and weather conditions throughout the winter months. When snow and icy conditions are forecast, crews and equipment are prepared and when it snows, crews are dispatched to clear roads on a priority basis. The City’s first priority during and after a snowfall is to clear major arterial streets (such as Island Highway, Alberni Highway) as well as access to emergency services (RCMP, fire hall, ambulance). Clearing collector streets (such as Temple, Pym, Hirst) is the second priority. Once conditions have stabilized on these priority routes, crews will begin to clear residential streets. Should we experience continued snow, it may take crews longer to reach residential streets.
Council approved the sidewalk snow clearing pilot project to increase level of service and prioritize clearing of designated walkways in downtown Parksville. Business owner/occupier is responsible to remove snow and ice from sidewalks bordering their property within twelve hours of the end of the snow fall event. This new City program will support businesses to improve accessibility for residents navigating sidewalks in downtown area. Owners are encouraged to clear their frontage within the timelines to avoid fines. During prolonged snowfall events, sidewalk clearing is dependent on the City being able to secure staff capacity and access to equipment.
December 2024 Sidewalk Snow Clearing Pilot Project Approved
November 2024 Snow and Ice Control
For detailed information on the City’s snow and ice control program, frequently asked questions and how you can help, refer to Let’s Talk Parksville.
CONTACT INFORMATION During regular office hours (8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday), please direct questions about the City’s snow and ice control program to ops@parksville.ca or 250 248-5412. If there is an emergency requiring City assistance outside of regular hours, call 250 248-6144.

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