Sep 12, 2024

Utility Billing

Water is billed twice a year and meters are read during the first weeks of March and September. Utility bills are mailed at the end of March and the end of September and payment due dates are the last business days of April and October.

In 2013, the City of Parksville revised the tiered billing rates for water use and this system now includes both a fixed charge and a metered usage charge. The fixed charge includes a Base Infrastructure Fee, based on the annual depreciation of capital assets currently in place and a Treatment Plant Reserve Fee, for the future expansion or renovation of the water treatment plant. This rating system reduced the tiered rates for residential and increased the commercial sector usage rates.

For the metered portion, residential customers are charged escalating tiered rates to promote water conservation. Commercial users pay the same fixed fees as the residential users plus a per cubic metre charge that equals the highest rate of the residential tiers. On average, the commercial sector uses 32% of the billable water and the residential sector uses 68%. This fee structure attempts to equalize revenues from residential and commercial customers based on total water consumption. A large family water rate is available for families consisting of five or more immediate family members.

Refer to Application for Large Family Water Rates for the application and Current Utility Rates for the current water rates.

Sanitary Sewer
The sanitary sewer rates work differently than the water rates. The residential and commercial sectors both pay the same fixed charge for 100 cubic metres of sewage system use every six months. Any use of the system above 100 cubic metres is charged a per cubic metre rate. The amount of usage is calculated on the user’s water consumption as usage meters are not installed on the sewerage system. In order to avoid sewer charges relating to summer watering and gardening, which does not go into the sewer system, residential user’s sewer bills are based on the lesser of their winter and summer water consumption. All properties not connected to water but connected to sanitary sewer are charged a flat rate sewer fee.

Refer to the link Current Utility Rates for the current sanitary sewer rates.

Parcel Taxes
All properties not connected to the water and/or sanitary sewer systems which are deemed to benefit from these systems are charged a water and/or sanitary sewer parcel tax on their property tax notice.

Water Rate Calculators
Water rate calculators have been provided so that you can estimate your water rates.

Link to Water Rate Calculators

Leak Adjustments
Under the City of Parkville’s Policy 6.13, and with qualifying conditions, a leak adjustment may be granted. Refer to Application for Utilities Account Adjustment, Policy 6.13 for application form and further details.

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