BC Ferries
BGC Central Vancouver Island
Drive BC
Events Calendar
Health and Seniors Information Line
Island Health
Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association
Parksville Chamber
Jensen Centre
Parksville Downtown Business Association
Parksville Weather
Regional District of Nanaimo
Tide Charts (DFO)
Tide Level Application
Parksville Fire Rescue
RCMP Oceanside
RDN Transit
Neighbourhood Parks
Neighbourhood parks which are medium-sized parks centrally located within a neighbourhood are intended to be within walking distance for residents. They provide a combination of features and facilities to foster active and passive recreation opportunities and are highly used by residents in the area, typically within 400 to 800 metres walking and biking distance. Neighbourhood parks add character and are often the social and recreational focal point of neighbourhoods.
Examples of neighbourhood parks:
Foster Park
Nicolls Park
Shelly Creek Parks
Marks Nature Park

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