Bylaw Compliance FAQs
What are bylaws and why do we need them?
Bylaws are municipal legislation enacted to protect residents' welfare, safety and health, and promote community standards. They are intended to keep our city clean, healthy and safe for everyone.
How do I make a complaint?
Email bylaw@parksville.ca
In person City of Parksville (100 Jensen Avenue East)
Mail PO Box 1390, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Phone 250 954-4650
What information does a bylaw officer need from me?
- Your name, address, phone number, and email address
- Date, time and location of the offence
- Details of the offence
- Photos of the offence (if applicable)
Bylaw services cannot investigate anonymous complaints. Your contact information is required to enable you to follow up with staff about the investigation and to contact you to obtain more information, if necessary.
If I submit a complaint, is my personal information kept confidential?
Yes. As per Council policy and provincial legislation, the City will NEVER release your personal information. Your personal information is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act. If your personal
information is ever required in adjudication or court, you will be consulted.
What is the process after I make a complaint?
You will receive an acknowledgment of your complaint, usually within two business days. Bylaw compliance staff may need to contact you for further information. You may be asked to log activity.
What can bylaw compliance officers help me with?
- Animal control - unprovoked dog attacks, pickup of stray dogs, barking dog complaints.
- Noise complaints - loud music, neighbourhood parties, construction or yard maintenance noise.
- Unsightly properties
- Parking complaints
- Complaints under other regulatory bylaws – outdoor burning, water conservation, building, zoning, business licensing, signage, etc.
Yes. Provincial legislation allows bylaw officers to enter onto your property for the purpose of investigating a bylaw complaint.
How do I dispute a bylaw office notice that I received?
If you have received a ticket and wish to dispute it, you can fill out the form below, within 14 days of receiving the ticket.
The City has many regulatory bylaws. The most commonly applied can be viewed at this link. Please note the interpretation of City bylaws as they relate to particular situations is made by duly appointed staff.
Where can I find information on zoning, development, land use regulations?
The Zoning and Development bylaw governs the zoning and development of property in the City. It regulates how the property may be used, and addresses such matters as setbacks, building heights, lot coverage, density, floor area,
accessory, and landscaping provisions. More info here.
How can I make a noise complaint?
There are several methods of making a complaint. Noise complaints generally require that a log be kept for a period by the complainant. More info and Bylaw
Are fireworks permitted in the City of Parksville?
No. You may not possess or set off any type of fireworks or firecrackers anywhere within the City without a permit. More info and Bylaw
Do I need a dog licence? What about barking dogs?
All dog owners who live in the City of Parksville are required to have a valid dog licence which may be purchased from the City. For barking dogs, document the barking (time, date and duration). If a dog barks for more than ten minutes
without a break OR for cumulative total of fifteen minutes in one hour, you can file a bylaw complaint. More info and Bylaw
Will I have to go to court if I make a complaint?
If it becomes necessary to prosecute someone for a bylaw offence or for the City to undertake civil proceedings, then it may be necessary for you to present evidence in court.
Yes, please refer to the Special Events on City Property on our website for more information, and how to acquire a permit.
My neighbour's yard is messy; are there property maintenance bylaws in the City?
Property owners or occupants must not allow their properties to become or remain unsightly due to tall grass, unsightly growth, the accumulation of derelict vehicles, filth, discarded materials, rubbish or graffiti, noxious weeds, or destructive
insects. More info and Bylaw
When can I water my lawn and garden?
Information about water conservation levels is available here and Let’s Talk Parksville.
PLEASE NOTE: Bylaw officers are municipal peace officers and enforce the policies and bylaws approved by the Council of the City of Parksville. Bylaw officers do not have the authority to enforce provincial or federal laws (Motor Vehicle Act, Criminal Code of Canada).

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