Feb 17, 2025


Welcome to BizPaL, the online source of information on permits and licences.

Launched in 2005, BizPaL is jointly managed by a partnership involving governments at the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal levels. Provinces, territories and hundreds of municipalities have collaborated together to provide you with the permits and licences that may be required to start and grow your business.

Why BizPaL...

•    It's free - Search for the permits and licences you may need to start or grow your business.
•    Save time and money - Spend less time searching for information and more time building
      your business.
•    Improve business planning - Know which permits and licences are needed so that you get
      it right the first time.
•    Get answers - Available 24/7 to help you navigate government requirements specific to your
      business type.

This service asks you to answer a short series of questions about the nature and scope of your current or proposed business. Based on your answers, you will be provided with a customized list of potential permits and licences from all levels of government that you may require to operate your business. Please note that all of the information that you provide is done so anonymously and you may save or print your results for future reference.

Click here to begin using BizPaL.

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