BC Ferries
BGC Central Vancouver Island
Drive BC
Events Calendar
Health and Seniors Information Line
Island Health
Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association
Parksville Chamber
Jensen Centre
Parksville Downtown Business Association
Parksville Weather
Regional District of Nanaimo
Tide Charts (DFO)
Tide Level Application
Parksville Fire Rescue
RCMP Oceanside
RDN Transit
The City of Parksville is committed to improving communication with residents and keeping you up to date on City programs and initiatives. We encourage you to explore the many ways you can participate in the public process, offer your feedback on issues, and by being involved. Our online engagement platform, Let’s Talk Parksville, provides many opportunities to comment, post ideas and ask questions. If you cannot find what you are looking for or require assistance, please contact us.
Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications
Phone 250 954-3073
Approval for use of the City logo by external organizations
Approval to use the City's logo on material or for promotional purposes not produced by the City of Parksville must be received from the communications office. This approval is required, regardless of use on similar material or use in the past. Please allow five working days for approval.

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