Sewerage and Drainage
The City of Parksville maintains about 50 km of sanitary sewer mainlines, two sewer lift stations and about 4,000 service connections. The City's sewer is collected and fed to the Regional District of Nanaimo treatment plant in French Creek. Routine maintenance activities involve the cleaning of mainlines with high-pressure flush trucks and video inspection for problems or deficiencies. As well, there is the installation and repair of manholes, service connections, and other related appurtenances.
The goal is to insure the sewer system is maintained in proper operating condition and is providing the public with an appropriate level of service.
Message to property owners regarding maintenance of private sewer lines
This information will help ensure plumbing flows as designed and backups and smells do not occur:
- Do not pour fats, oils or greases from cooking down drains of flush toilets. Fats and oils stick to the sides of pipes, reducing pipe diameter, slow flows and there is a cost to add degreaser to the wastewater.
- Ensure all P traps have water. If the water from unused floor drains or seldom used guest bathrooms dry, there may be a rotten egg smell from sewer gases coming up the pipes and into your house.
- Occasionally check roof vents are clear. Blocked vents will cause slow draining sinks and tubs.
- Ensure the cleanout is visible at property line. This helps the City to determine location of a blockage if there is one.
- If your toilets or sinks are backing up, the first call should be to the City. The City will determine which side of the property line the blockage exists. It costs less to phone the City than to contact a plumber.
- Avoid planting trees or bushes above the sewer line. Any crack in the pipe or slipped joint is an invitation for root intrusion. Root cutting can be costly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact for water problems?
- Contact the operations department at 1116 Herring Gull Way.
What to do if I see water running down the road or water flowing from a hydrant?
- Contact the operations department immediately and provide the location of the problem.
What if your water pressure seems low?
- Check with your neighbours. If they have the same problem, it may be due to high demand at the time.
- Check your pressure-regulating valve as it may be out of adjustment.
- Newer homes are built with low-flow water saving devices such as shower heads, kitchen faucets, etc. These devices are also available for purchase and installation in older homes. If you notice your water pressure appears low, it may be due to their use.
- If the problem persists, contact the operations department.
What if the water appears cloudy or discoloured?
- This could be due to regular maintenance or repairs of City mains. If these symptoms appear, try flushing your taps for a few minutes. If the problem persists, operations department.
What if I need my water shut off?
- Most homes have a main valve, which will turn off the water inside the house. If you or your plumber require service to the house shut off, contact the operations department to arrange a time. Please note there is a $30 fee for this service.
Who do I contact for sewer problems?
- Contact the operations department at 1116 Herring Gull Way.
What to do if I have a sewer blockage?
- Contact the operations department immediately and provide the location of the problem.
Operations Department
1116 Herring Gull Way
Parksville, V9P 1R2
Phone: 250 248-5412
Email: ops@parksville.ca
After Hours Emergencies, call 250 248-6144 (select 8)
4 pm - 8 am, Monday to Friday, weekends and holidays

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