BC Ferries
BGC Central Vancouver Island
Drive BC
Events Calendar
Health and Seniors Information Line
Island Health
Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association
Parksville Chamber
Jensen Centre
Parksville Downtown Business Association
Parksville Weather
Regional District of Nanaimo
Tide Charts (DFO)
Tide Level Application
Parksville Fire Rescue
RCMP Oceanside
RDN Transit
Operations Department
The operations department provides a variety of services which enhance the daily lives of Parksville residents and is responsible for municipal roads including ice and snow control, street lighting and traffic signals, maintenance of City parks and nature trails, the City’s fleet and municipally owned properties as well as our water distribution system, sewage collection system and drainage facilities.
8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday
Access to operations yard by appointment only. Please contact 250 248-5412 or ops@parksville.ca.
Operations employees are responsible for maintaining the municipal roads, water and sewer systems in safe operating condition. This department also receives requests to repair potholes, traffic signs, water mains, sewers and sidewalks.
The operations department is responsible for the following services:
- Boulevard tree pruning, tree removal
- Catch basins, manhole repairs
- Irrigation systems
- Municipal buildings and fleet
- Parks
- Roads, streets, sidewalks and pathways
- Sanitary sewer system, storm sewers
- Snow and ice control on public streets
- Spring and fall chipping program
- Street sweeping, street lighting, paving and patching
- Traffic signs, line painting
8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday
Access to operations yard by appointment only. Please contact 250 248-5412 or ops@parksville.ca.
General Inquiries |
250 248-5412 | ops@parksville.ca | 1116 Herring Gull Way PO Box 1390 Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Afterhours emergency |
250 248-6144 |   | 4 pm to 8 am, Monday - Friday Saturdays, Sundays, holidays |
Director of Operations Keith Martin |
250 951-4122 | kmartin@parksville.ca |   |
Manager of Utilities Simon Doiron |
250 951-2477 | sdoiron@parksville.ca |   |
Manager of Parks Graham Gidden |
250 947-2219 | ggidden@parksville.ca |   |
Fax |
250 248-6650 |   |
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