BC Ferries
BGC Central Vancouver Island
Drive BC
Events Calendar
Health and Seniors Information Line
Island Health
Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association
Parksville Chamber
Jensen Centre
Parksville Downtown Business Association
Parksville Weather
Regional District of Nanaimo
Tide Charts (DFO)
Tide Level Application
Parksville Fire Rescue
RCMP Oceanside
RDN Transit
Zoning and Land Use
The Zoning and Development Bylaw which governs the zoning and development of property in the City, regulates what a property can be used for and addresses such matters as setbacks, building heights, lot coverage, density, floor area, accessory uses for property, and landscaping provisions.
It is Council policy that all zoning inquiries be made in person or in writing to avoid any misunderstanding about what can or cannot be permitted on a given property. The following documents are available for view and/or print (just click on the desired section). The Zoning and Development Bylaw, 1994, No. 2000 has been broken down into various sections:
Zoning and Development Bylaw, 1994, No. 2000

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