Feb 14, 2025

Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness

Please refer to the Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness website for the current information oceansidehomelessness.com

The Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness was formed in 2010, workings to address homelessness and the issues related to homelessness in School
District #69, Vancouver Island. The geographical region includes the area
from Nanoose to Deep Bay and inland to Whiskey Creek.

The task force is co-chaired by Susanna Newton (Society of Organized Services), Sharon Welch (Forward House Community Society) and Violet Hayes (Island Crisis Care Society).

Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness

Services and support for the homeless in our region are provided by such organizations and service providers as Island Crisis Care Society, Society of Organized Services, Canadian Mental Health Association and our local churches. The Salvation Army operates the local food bank and Manna Homeless Society offers emergency supplies to homeless in the Oceanside region.

For more information:

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