Defer Your Taxes
City of Parksville no longer accepts deferment applications or renewals.
The Province of BC Property Tax Deferment Program may be accessed online or by phone
1 888 355-2700.
The property tax deferment Program is a low interest loan program that helps qualified BC homeowners pay their annual property taxes on their principal residence. You may qualify if you are 55 or older during the current year, a person with disabilities, or a family supporting children in certain circumstances. The City of Parksville no longer accepts deferment applications or renewals. All deferment applications and renewals are administered by the Province of BC using the Tax Deferment Program website. Unpaid taxes, utilities, penalties, and interest from prior years must be paid to the City to be eligible to defer current year taxes. Residents must still apply for your home owner grant each year.
If you wish to defer your taxes, refer to the Tax Deferment Program website.

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