Splash Park

Open May 15 to September 15, 9 am to 8 pm (unless otherwise advised)
Open from May to September, the splash park is a water play area with no standing water. Water is pumped through decorative structures which children can either stand under or run through. It’s perfect for families with young children. The little ones have fun creating their own games and using their imagination while being close to their parents who can enjoy the fun with less worry. Most importantly, the new splash park is completely wheelchair accessible.
Completed in 2018, the new splash park was supported by Mid Island CO-OP, Province of BC, Quality Foods, TD Canada Trust, Parksville Downtown Business Association, Parksville Heavy Equipment, Shar-Kare Feed & Pet Supplies, Ballenas Rotary Interact Club, Stanford Auto, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #49, Branching Out Urban Forestry, Vancouver Island Real Estate Board, and many other individual and corporate donors. We acknowledge the successful fundraising efforts of the Parksville Lions Club and Rotary Club of Parksville AM.

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