Dec 5, 2024

Shelly Creek Park South

(shown as #2 on the map)

Address: 266 Hamilton Avenue

Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society are stewards of Shelly Creek, working to protect and repair the sensitive stream and riparian area. The creek is home to a small population of resident Coastal Cutthroat Trout and is the only fish bearing stream in the City. The City is fortunate to benefit from the work by Mid-Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society volunteers to restore habitat and to educate the public about creek protection. Owls, raccoons and other wildlife also call this area home..

In 2020, the City installed a new fifty-food pedestrian bridge which provides safe public access across Shelly Creek, a key natural asset of the park. The bridge now provides improved access for the public as well as better protection of Shelly Creek and its sensitive environment.

The park features a trail through the forest and interpretative signage which provide information about the sensitive habitat.

Living Water Smart in British Columbia; Shelly Creek in Parksville is a “living laboratory”
Peter Law, Past-President, Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society
Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC - April 2023

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