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Committee of the Whole Meeting
This event starts on Jun 22, 2009 and Runs through Jun 22, 2009

Attachments: Location: Parksville Civic & Technology Centre, Forum


MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2009 - 6:00 P.M.


    a) of the May 11, 2009 minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting - Pages 1 to 4

    a) Jane Kelly - School District Bussing System - Pages 5 to 10




    a) Director of Finance - Amendment to 2009 Requirements for Revenue Policy Disclosure - Pages 11 to 21
    The provincial government made changes to the Community Charter with respect to revenue policies and disclosure. The new requirements for 2009 and beyond require explicit objectives and policies in the Financial Plan about the budgeted proportion of City revenue to come from various revenue sources, the distribution of our property tax revenue among the various property classes, and the City's policies with regards to the use of permissive tax exemptions. At the April 22, 2009 Council meeting, council approved the April 15 report of the Director of Finance which outlined the new requirements. Council however, did not discuss or establish their objectives as required, so the objectives and policies have not yet been established. Appendix 1 attached entitled "Objectives and Policies for Revenue Sources, Tax Classes, and Permissive Tax Exemptions" contains a set of objectives and policies for Council to consider and discuss based on past practice and new Council initiatives.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Finance dated June 15, 2009 regarding an amendment to the 2009 requirements for revenue policy disclosure be received;
    AND THAT Council approve the set of objectives and policies relating to the City of Parkville's sources of revenues, taxation classes, and permissive tax exemptions as detailed in Appendix 1 attached to the report from the Director of Finance dated June 15, 2009 and entitled "Amendment to 2009 Requirements for Revenue Policy Disclosure".

    b) Manager of Engineering - Information Report on the State of Municipal Infrastructure - Pages 22 to 23
    The Engineering and Operations Department would like to inform Council of the 2008 State of Municipal Infrastructure Report prior to publishing it on the City's Web Page.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Manager of Engineering entitled "State of Municipal Infrastructure - Annual Review" be received by Council for information and published on the City's Web Page.

    c) Communications Officer - Logo Identity and Branding for the City of Parksville - Pages 24 to 30
    To replace the existing "P" logo with a new branding identity for the City of Parksville. The new logo would be phased in over the next few months; at which time residents will begin to see the new design and identity on City of Parksville advertisements, print materials, new vehicles, clothing and other graphic identifiers.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Communications Officer dated June 16, 2009, regarding logo identity and branding for the City of Parksville be received;
    AND THAT Council direct staff to discontinue using the current "P" logo and approve the use of the new City of Parksville logo proposed in the report from the Communications Officer dated June 16, 2009;
    AND THAT staff be directed to develop a graphics standards manual and implement graphics standards in the use of the new logo.

    d) Director of Community Planning - Community Tourism Program Funds - Vehicular Way-Finding Signs - Pages 31 to 73
    The goal of this report is to provide Council with information respecting the implementation of a comprehensive vehicular way-finding signage system for the City of Parksville. Council requested that Staff obtain an estimate of the proposed tourism grant sign for Highway 4A (Alberni Highway).

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Community Planning dated June 11, 2009 regarding Community Tourism Program Funds – Vehicular Wayfinding Signage be received for information;
    AND THAT Council direct Staff to proceed with the implementation of a combination signage system where 'Type 1' signage will be used at community entry points and 'Type 2' signage will be used to identify the downtown core using existing Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Tourism Program funds.

    e) Director of Community Planning - Consideration of Permitting Business Names on Downtown Banners - Pages 74 to 78
    The Downtown Business Association provides banners for use in the downtown core. The cost of the banners is rising and the number of banners required has increased with the increased development in the municipality. In order to continue to provide banners the Downtown Business Association is requesting assistance to supplement their budget.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Community Planning dated June 15, 2009 regarding the consideration of permitting business names on downtown banners be received;
    AND THAT Council approve the Downtown Business Association's request to enter into a corporate sponsorship with downtown business owners who wish to provide banners and have their name appear on the banners.

    f) Director of Community Planning - Implementation of an Accessibility Upgrade Incentive Program - Pages 79 to 83
    Council has requested that staff develop a program to provide rebates for accessibility upgrades for owners existing or new buildings.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Community Planning dated June 11, 2009 regarding the implementation of an accessibility upgrade incentive program be received;
    AND THAT the proposed accessibility upgrade incentive program be referred to Parksville's Measuring Up Committee for comment;
    AND FURTHER THAT upon receipt of comment that a subsequent Staff report be prepared further advising Council on the implementation of accessibility upgrade incentive program.

    g) Director of Community Planning - Implementation of Updated Home Based Business Regulations - Pages 84 to 91
    Follow-up report on considering 'housekeeping amendments' to the home occupations regulations in order to keep the regulations current and provide greater clarity.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Community Planning dated June 11, 2009 regarding the implementation of updating the home occupations regulations be received;
    AND THAT staff prepare an amendment bylaw to amend Zoning and Development Bylaw, 1994, No. 2000 in order to update the home occupations regulations.

    h) Director of Community Planning - Development Permit [1480 Industrial Way] - Pages 92 to 106
    On March 25, 2009, the City received a development permit application from Timberlake-Jones Engineering on behalf of the owners of the property. The applicant requests the issuance of a development permit to permit the extension of the storage facility with 16 additional mini storage buildings. The subject property is fronted by Industrial Way to the south and backs onto Island Highway 19A. The balance of land use adjacencies are comprised of both developed industrial properties and vacant land.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Community Planning dated June 9, 2009 for the issuance of a Development Permit at 1480 Industrial Way be received;
    AND THAT a Development Permit be issued to B.G.R. HOLDINGS INC., (INCORPORATION NO. 329774) to permit 16 additional mini storage buildings and implementation of the overall site plan on Lot 2, Block 564, Nanoose District, Plan 42530 (1480 Industrial Way);
    AND FURTHER THAT a landscaping bond in the amount of $2,740.00 be received prior to the issuance of the permit.



Event Name: Committee of the Whole Meeting | Event Category: Comm Meeting

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