Jul 26, 2024

Be Prepared

Parksville Snowfall

There are many ways that residents can help ensure safety during winter conditions. Residents should be prepared for times when it may be necessary to wait for roads to be cleared.

  • Pay attention to weather forecasts and incoming storm warnings.
  • Ensure an adequate supply of any required medications, infant formula and supplies, pet foods and non-perishable food items in the event roads are temporarily impassable and stores closed.
  • Keep a supply of candles and working flashlights for use in a power outage.
  • Keep cell phones regularly charged should service be interrupted.
  • If it is not absolutely necessary for you to travel, consider staying at home.
  • Drive only with snow tires.
  • Check on neighbours and family members who may need some extra help.
For the safety of your family, neighbours and other passersby, the City strongly recommends that owners and occupants clear all steps and paths on their property. If you live near an elderly or disabled person, consider being a good neighbour - grab your shovel and clear their sidewalks while you do your own.

In spite of the City's best efforts, winter road conditions can be in effect before crews are dispatched. All residents are encouraged to take extra safety precautions during the winter. For information on winter driving tips, refer to ICBC's website.

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