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Council Meeting
This event starts on May 5, 2008 and Runs through May 5, 2008

Attachments: Location: Parksville Civic & Technology Centre, Forum


MONDAY, MAY 5, 2008 - 6:00 P.M.


    a) of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel held April 21, 2008 - Pages 1 to 2
    Recommendation: THAT the minutes of the Parcel Tax Roll Review held April 21, 2008 be adopted.
    b) of the regular meeting of Council held April 21, 2008 - Pages 3 to 9
    Recommendation: That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 21, 2008 be adopted.







    a) Director of Engineering & Operations - Quarterly Report (verbal report) April, May and June, 2008
    b) Committee of the Whole - April 28, 2008 - Pages 10 to 11
      (1) Manager of Budgets & Special Projects - 2008-2012 Final Financial Plan
      In January Council adopted the Provisional Financial Plan for 2008-2012. In order to incorporate the incomplete Capital projects from 2007 that need to be carried forward to 2008 and adjust our tax revenues once the final 2008 assessments are received, a Final Financial Plan for 2008-2012 was completed. The Final plan also picks up other miscellaneous changes that are required to the 2008-12 budgets that have arisen since the completion of the Provisional Budget.

      Recommendation: THAT the report from the Manager of Budgets & Special Projects dated April 25, 2008 entitled "2008-2012 Final Financial Plan", be received;
      AND THAT Council direct staff to prepare, for Council's consideration, all relevant budget, property tax and other required bylaws for the 2008-2012 Financial Plan.

      (2) Director of Finance - New Requirements for Revenue Policy Disclosure
      The provincial government has made changes to the Community Charter with respect to revenue policies and disclosure. The new requirements are in affect for the Final 2008-2012 Financial Plan and require explicit statements in that Financial Plan about the budgeted proportion of revenue to come from various revenue sources, the distribution of our property tax revenue among the property classes, and the City's policies around the use of permissive tax exemptions.
      Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Finance dated April 22, 2008 entitled "New Requirements for Revenue Policy Disclosure", be received;
      AND THAT the information in Appendix A attached to the report from the Director of Finance dated April 22, 2008 entitled "New Requirements for Revenue Policy Disclosure" be incorporated into the 2008-2012 Final Financial Plan document.
      (3) Director of Administrative Services - Burning Bylaw-Shelly Enterprises
      While it is not possible under Provincial legislation for a municipality to put an entire ban on burning on land within the agricultural land reserve, it is possible to set restrictions on the burning. The current Outdoor Burning Bylaw is silent on the issue and should be amended to provide restrictions on this type of burning.

      Recommendation: THAT the letter from Shelly Enterprises Ltd. received February 26, 2008 regarding the Burning Ban Bylaw be received;
      AND THAT the report from the Director of Administrative Services dated April 23, 2008 entitled "Burning Bylaw - Shelly Enterprises", be received for information;
      AND THAT staff be directed to prepare an amendment to the City of Parksville Outdoor Burning Bylaw, 2007, No. 1428 to set restrictions of the burning of agricultural waste on agricultural land, for Council's consideration.

      (4) Planner - Development Permit to Update Appearance of the Exterior of the McDonald's Restaurant in Parksville
      On January 19, 2008, the City received a Development Permit application from McDonald's Restaurants of Canada for a permit to update the appearance of the exterior of McDonald's Restaurant at 310 Island Highway West. The subject property is within Development Permit Area No. 3 - ISLAND HIGHWAY - WEST. The development permit designation is under the Form and Character of the development category. The site is situated at the southwest corner of Island Highway 19A and Lombardy Street.

      Recommendation: THAT the report from the Planner dated April 21, 2008 for the issuance of at 310 Island Highway West, be received for information;
      AND THAT a Development Permit be issued to McDonalds Restaurants of Canada Ltd, to permit an update to the appearance of the exterior of McDonald's restaurant on Lot A, District Lot 89, Nanoose District, Plan 47679 [310 Island Highway West] subject to:

        (a) A landscaping bond in the amount of $15,700.00 be received prior to the issuance of the permit.
      (5) Director of Community Planning - Zoning Bylaw Amendments
      Consideration of several housekeeping amendments to the Zoning Bylaw.

      Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Community Planning dated April 21, 2008 entitled "Zoning Bylaw Amendments", be received for information;
      AND THAT Staff be requested to prepare, for Council's consideration, the necessary zoning text amendment bylaws to implement the following minor amendments to the Zoning Bylaw:

        a. Permit residential care facilities in the C-3 (Downtown Commercial) Zone
        b. Amendments to the lot size in the A-1 (Agricultural) Zone
        c. Prohibit the storage of fireworks and explosives in residential Zones
        d. Permit single family residential in the C-3 (Downtown Commercial) Zone and CS-1 (Highway Commercial) Zone
        e. Amend setbacks for single family dwellings next to linear walkways.
      AND THAT staff be instructed to seek a legal opinion on whether the City can require the removal of a fireworks storage facility in a residential area once the zoning bylaw is amended to prohibit this action and to inquire as to whether the City can register a notice against the title to property where the fireworks are stored as a warning to future owners.
      (6) Chief Administrative Officer - Consideration of Development Process Review Proposed By the Oceanside Development and Construction Association (ODCA)
      In a letter dated June 3, 2007 the ODCA requested the opportunity to work with Council and staff to complete and fund an independent Development Process Review. Repeated attempts by staff to progress this issue by obtaining draft terms of reference relating to "development process" versus "operational resources" for such a review has failed. This initiative was originally proposed by the ODCA and they have now apparently withdrawn their offer due to time and funding constraints.

      Recommendation: THAT consideration of the report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 8, 2008 entitled "Consideration of Development Process Review Proposed by the Oceanside Development and Construction Association (ODCA)" recommending that staff be directed to inform the ODCA that in view of their abandonment of their request for the development process review, the City will not be pursuing the issue any further be postponed to a future date.

      (7) Director of Administrative Services - Optional Changes to Election Procedures Bylaw
      Recent changes to the election provisions in Provincial legislation provide for a number of optional changes including increasing the required number of nominators, website publishing of nomination documents and campaign financing disclosures, mail ballot voting and special voting opportunities. It is entirely up to each individual local government whether any, or all, of the changes are incorporated into their election bylaws.

      Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Administrative Services dated April 21, 2008 entitled "Optional Changes to Election Procedures Bylaw", be received;
      AND THAT the issue of Optional Changes to the Election Procedures including increasing the required number of nominator, website publishing of nomination documents and campaign financing disclosure, mail ballot voting and special voting opportunities be referred to the Citizen's Advisory Committee for input and recommendations;
      AND FURTHER THAT the Committee's Assignment Terms of Reference for consideration of Optional Changes to the Election Procedures attached to the Director of Administrative Services report dated April 21, 2008 entitled "Optional Changes to Election Procedures Bylaw", be approved.

    c) Fire Chief - UBCM West Nile Virus Risk Reduction Funding - Pages 12 to 17
    Consideration of an application to the Province for a West Nile Virus (WNV) Reduction Initiative through the UBCM.

    Recommendation: THAT Council authorize the Regional District of Nanaimo to make an application on behalf of the City of Parksville to obtain funding available from the Province for a West Nile Virus Reduction Initiative through the UBCM;
    AND THAT Council authorize the Regional District of Nanaimo to administer any acquired funds to plan for and reduce the risk of West Nile Virus in the City of Parksville.

    d) Director of Finance - 2008 Municipal Property Tax Rates - Pages 18 to 21
    In order for Finance to issue the 2008 tax notices, the new tax rates for 2008 need to be approved by Council. In the 2008-2012 Financial Plan, Council has approved a 5% tax increase for 2008, so the new tax rates have been calculated with a 5% increase. The assessed values for the residential class increased by just over 10% for 2008, so the tax rate actually has to fall slightly, otherwise there would be a 10% increase in taxes. When the other levels of governments taxes are added in, the total tax increase for the average assessed home ($313,000) is only 2.5% or $56. The municipal share of that $56 increase is about $50.

    Recommendation: THAT the report from the Director of Finance dated April 28, 2008 entitled "2008 Municipal Property Tax Rates" be received for information;
    AND THAT "Tax Rates Bylaw, 2008 No. 1445" be advanced for reading consideration by Council.

    e) Director of Administrative Services - Fireworks Bylaw Amendment - Follow Up - Pages 22 to 23
    This report is a follow up to the one submitted to Council on April 5, proposing amendments to the fireworks bylaw that would permit the storage of consumer fireworks for wholesale purposes, as recommended by the Citizens Advisory Committee.

    Recommendation: THAT the report dated April 29, 2008 from the Director of Administrative Services entitled "Fireworks Bylaw Amendment - Follow Up" be received for information;
    AND THAT "Fireworks Bylaw, 2007, No. 1427.1" be advanced for reading consideration.

    a) "Council Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw, 2008, No. 1440"
    To provide for Council remuneration and expenses
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Council Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw, 2008, No. 1440"be adopted.
    b) "Fireworks Regulation Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1427.1" - Page 24
    Amendment to allow storage of fireworks for wholesale purposes in the City of Parksville
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Fireworks Regulation Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1427.1" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Fireworks Regulation Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1427.1" be read a second and third time.

    c) "Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2008-2012, No. 1439.1" - Pages 25 to 31
    Amendment to the Financial Plan for the years 2008 to 2012
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2008 - 2012, No. 1439.1" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2008 - 2012, No. 1439.1" be read a second and third time.

    d) "Tax Rates Bylaw, 2008, No. 1445" - Pages 32 to 34
    Annual Tax Rates
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Tax Rates Bylaw, 2008, No. 1445" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Tax Rates Bylaw, 2008, No. 1445" be read a second and third time.

    e) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.63" - Page 35
    Amendment to C-3 Downtown Commercial - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.63" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.63" be read a second time.

    f) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.64" - Page 36
    Amendment to CS-1 Highway Commercial - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.64" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.64" be read a second time.

    g) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.65" - Page 37
    Amendment to the Agricultural A-1 Zone - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.65" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.65" be read a second time.

    h) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.66" - Page 38
    Amendment to General Regulations, Division 600 - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.66" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.66" be read a second time.

    i) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.67" - Page 39
    Amendment to the Division 100: Scope and Definitions - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.67" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.67" be read a second time.

    j) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.68" - Page 40
    Amendment to Secondary Suites - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.68" be read a first time.

      (ii) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.68" be read a second time.

    k) "Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1370.8"
    Affordable & Special Needs Housing - Text Amendment

      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1370.8" be read a second time.
    l) "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.62"
    Definition of Affordable Housing - Text Amendment
      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Zoning and Development Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 2000.62" be read a second time.
    m) "Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1370.9"
    Text Amendment - Development Permit Area No. 26 - Watercourse Protection

      (i) Recommendation: THAT "Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2008, No. 1370.9" be read a second time.


12. SPECIAL BUSINESS (Closed/In Camera)


Event Name: Council Meeting | Event Category: City Agenda

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